Selasa, 05 April 2011

Nine Benefits of Drinking Soy Milk and Seven Taboos


soy milk can be drank by every age group of people, low cost high quality liquid nutritional supplements. Early in the morning, drink a bowl of milk to eat a few steamed dumplings, the traditional way of eating is both convenient and nutritious. Scholars believe that drinking milk has the following benefits:

1, the physical health: hectogram milk contains protein (protein food) 4.5 g, fat 1.8 g, 1.5 g carbohydrates, 4.5 grams of phosphorus, iron (Fe Food) 2.5 grams of calcium (calcium foods) and 2.5 grams of vitamin ( vitamin food), riboflavin, etc., to enhance physical fitness of good.

2, diabetes (diabetic food): milk contains large amounts of cellulose (cellulose food), can effectively prevent the excessive absorption of sugar, reducing sugar, which can prevent diabetes, is essential for good diabetes food daily.

3, control of hypertension (blood pressure food): prevention and treatment of hypertension contained in soy bean sterols and potassium, magnesium, sodium salt is a powerful substance. Sodium is the recurrence of hypertension and one of the main causes, if the body can properly control the amount of sodium, both prevention and treatment of hypertension, but also the treatment of hypertension.

4, control coronary heart disease: soy beans contained steroids and potassium, magnesium, calcium can enhance the excitement of vascular effort to improve the effort nutrition, lower cholesterol and promote blood flow to prevent vasospasm. If you can drink a bowl of milk every day, the recurrence rate of coronary heart disease can be reduced by 50%.

5, prevention of stroke: soy milk contains magnesium, calcium can significantly reduce brain blood lipids, improve cerebral blood flow, thus effectively preventing cerebral infarction, cerebral hemorrhage. Milk contained phosphatidylcholine (lecithin food), but also reduce brain cell death and improve brain function.

6, prevention of cancer (cancer of food): soy milk in protein and selenium, molybdenum has a very strong ability of tumor suppressor and cancer, especially gastric cancer, colon cancer, breast cancer effects. According to the survey people who do not drink soy milk than the probability of cancer who milk drunk by 50%.

7, control bronchitis: contains milk and wheat acid to prevent bronchitis smooth muscle spasm, thereby reducing and mitigating the onset of bronchitis.

8, to prevent aging: soy milk contains selenium, vitamin E, C, a great antioxidant, can make the body's cells "youth", especially the biggest brain cells.

9, the aged stay stagnation, AIDS, and constipation (constipation food), and obesity.

Taboo to drink soy milk:

1, avoid uncooked milk drink: Many people like to buy raw milk for home heating, heating Bay to see the bubble on the misconception that has been boiled, in fact, this is the milk of organic matter caused by thermal expansion of the bubble formation phenomenon on the risk , not boiling, is not cooked. No cooked milk is harmful to humans. Because milk contains two toxic substances, would lead to protein metabolism, and gastrointestinal tract irritation, causing symptoms of poisoning. Milk poisoning prevention approach is to milk in the boiling temperatures of 100 ℃, can be safe drinking. If a headache after drinking milk, respiratory obstruction and other symptoms should immediately seek medical treatment must not delay time to prevent life-threatening.

2 dozen eggs bogey in soy milk: soy milk in a lot of people like to beat eggs, believing it more nutritious, but this method is unscientific, it is because the mucus in eggs and milk in protein and easy trypsin combined to produce a substance that can not be absorbed by the body and greatly reduce the body's absorption of nutrients.

3, Avoid red brown sugar: soy milk and brown sugar in the sweet and fragrant drink up, but the brown sugar in the organic acids and milk proteins in combination, can produce variability sediment, greatly undermined the nutrients.

4, bogey mounted thermos: Thermos milk has to get rid of the scale of the material, under appropriate conditions of temperature, in order to milk as nutrients, bacteria will multiply the bottle, after 3 to 4 hours can make the milk rancidity deterioration.

5, avoid excessive drinking: a protein drink milk too easily lead to indigestion, abdominal distention, diarrhea and other symptoms.

6, avoid empty stomach to drink milk: milk protein in the city in the body into heat which is consumed, can not fully play a tonic effect. Drink milk while eating bread, cakes, bread and other starchy foods, protein, etc. can make soy milk under the action of the starch, and the occurrence of gastric juice more fully digested, so that nutrients are fully absorbed.

7, avoid drinking from the same drug: Some drugs will destroy the nutritional content of soy milk, such as tetracycline, erythromycin and other antibiotics.

People should not drink milk

1, acute gastritis and chronic superficial gastritis patients should not eat soy products, so as not to add too much to stimulate gastric acid secretion in the patient's condition or cause flatulence.

2, beans contain a certain amount of oligosaccharides, can cause belch gas, bowel, abdominal distension and other symptoms, so there are the best friend eating ulcer. Gastritis, renal failure patients need a low protein diet, and beans and their products are rich in protein, and its metabolites will increase burden on the kidney, should be fasting.

3, the beans in the can and renal oxalate in calcium binding, easy to form stones, will add to the symptoms of kidney stones, so patients with kidney stones should not be eaten.

4, gout is caused by the purine metabolism disorder disease. Soy is rich in purine, and purine are hydrophilic substances, therefore, soybeans ground into a paste, the purine content than other soy products several times. Therefore, the milk is not appropriate for patients with gout.

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