Sabtu, 02 April 2011

Vitamin D is Crucial


Vitamin d is crucial

Vitamin D is Crucial

Vitamin D is Crucial, because Vitamin d has a key role for health since it involved thousands of regulatory processes in the human body's cells. A deficiency increases the risk of disease significantly--especially in the winter, when the Sun in the northern regions of the world for adequate UV radiation is too low. Dependent from the body, but Vitamin d is crucial since vitamin D is itself made up about 90 percent by UV irradiation of the skin in the body.Until was adopted a few years ago, active form of vitamin D use of sunlight is formed in the liver, kidneys and skin. Thanks to the American scientist Prof. Michael F. Holick, Professor of medicine, dermatology, Physiology and Biophysics, and discovered the active form of vitamin D, we now know that the has not only the cells of skin, liver and kidneys, but of course every single cell in the body the opportunity, active vitamin D. Professor Holick form the view that the active vitamin is not d therefore only colds, flu and bone diseases such as osteoporosis prevent rickets, but could in the prostate, breast and intestinal cells, the typical unhealthy cell cancer growth prevents direct website. Alarming deficiencies of vitamin D in Germany and United States. The prestigious Robert Koch Institute in Berlin carried out for the Ministry of health, a representative study on the supply of vitamin D in Germany. A report on it was established in the international journal "European Journal of clinical nutrition", because the results are alarming.Surveyed in more than half of the 4,000 people of all ages a substantial deficit of vitamin D was found: the vitamin D level was in the blood of 57 percent of those polled men and 58% of women below the critical limit. For those over 75 per cent were 65-year-old women under delivered. Even higher, the deficits were observed during the winter months.Similar results applied vitamin D studies in the United States. Vitamin D deficiency has been found 40 percent of the total population of 32 percent of doctors and medical students42 percent of African-American women48 percent of girls in the age of 9 years all pregnant81 per cent of newborn these womenund1176 percent up to 60 percent all hospital patientsup to 80 percent of patients in nursing homes.Awareness of deficits as cause of causes for mostdermatologists like not sois unaware people, the health aspect of sunlight, and this is unfortunately once again to the commercial sector used.Contributed to the awareness deficit have also many dermatologists that constantly indicate about the "dangers" of the Sun's rays. Some even tell a friend about sun exposure completely avoid. Of course, excessive sun-tanning is harmful, because it can lead even cancer of the skin. Sunlight in particular is not only "allowed", but indispensable.Vitamin d which is perhaps the most underrated vital substance at all. Probably because sunlight is free of charge and not for sale. Therefore Announces are the health benefits of the Sun, but only the sunscreen. These benefits can be measured in billions. As profit for pharmaceutical companies and healthcare costs.Da: Even sunscreen with the low sun protection factor of 8 can already reduce the production of vitamin D by 95 percent. Against this background it is useful, then, that the dermatologists warn against the Sun (or maybe should warned are the more sun protection products?). And this fits into the picture, the the "American Academy of Dermatology AAD the sunscreen manufacturer financed." And, to be still no mystery because everything for the benefit of the people of that are protected from the evil Sun.In the first three seasons, build people their vitamin D levels and branches in body fat and a storage for the winter. This does not work in obesity: although vitamin D in body fat, then more, be stored but not delivered. Therefore the most obese people (also) suffer from vitamin D-Mangel.Knochen need calcium. Calcium, the body can only absorb and recycle, but when (once) enough vitamin D available. Otherwise possibly osteoporosis and other bone diseases result, including rickets. "This is nothing more than a bone Auszehrung.""Vitamin d has a key role for health", it is the beginning of this report. According to epidemiologist Cedric Garland of the University of California at San Diego, United States, vitamin D deficiency in the development of tumors involved fundamentally.Annals of epidemiology "Garland writes:" the first event in cancer is the loss of communication between cells, among other things of low vitamin D and calcium "developed." This poor a power play important role in, the healthy cells in tumor cells, the. followed by the loss of cell communication, Garland loud mutations of genes. Garland admits that his model was not yet scientifically proved States, the hundreds of epidemiological studies on a fundamental role of vitamin D deficiency in cancer development now proposed. A balanced supply of vitamin D could prevent many of these processes.From October to March is missing from the body, which is solar energy, to synthesize vitamin d even if the sun shines in the winter, too low the skin with the vitamin D from the preform makes it for appropriate UV irradiation. In the winter a healthy man of vitamin D in fat Leben.Je stores less this stock longer winter. Therefore, the influenza outbreaks are usually in February and March. But you must not equal to winter sports enthusiasts to use in this time of year.From April to September is the sun soaked. But not too often and too much. Meet day for ten to fifteen minutes in the Sun to the arms and face. By the way: Glass is opaque to the UV radiation of the Sun. With closed Windows in the car or House can make the skin so no some vitamin dstupid and pleasant alternativesdoctors, faith from food to get vitamin D in sufficient quantity. This is theoretically correct but practically void. For up to at least ten glasses of milk or vitamin D-fortified orange juice drink with would.Or it would be oily fish such as mackerel or salmon three to five times per week D contained so that an adequate amount of vitamin eaten. It is perhaps less demanding from time to time to go a solarium. But please not too Brown times FRY radiation over dose. UV radiation can refuel also delicate beauty with a distinguished pallor.

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