Rabu, 06 April 2011

Weight Loss should Begin with Breakfast


Breakfast can affect your weight-loss results. So the morning Do not hurry to work, school, markets and hasty settlement on your breakfast, or even eat breakfast.

First, do not eat breakfast, lunch, eat too full

Three meals a day Breakfast is the most important meal. The reason is very simple: every night, the body must consume energy when the body had to draw on its reserve capacity. Therefore, the morning after waking up naturally have to rely on a breakfast rich in carbohydrates to replenish energy reserves. Do not eat breakfast, you can not get new life in the work. Furthermore, to lose weight, even more should not skip breakfast. Because the lunch, to compensate for not eating breakfast it Dayton, you will inevitably overeat, and the impact of weight loss.

A good breakfast meal should include cereals, such as whole wheat bread, nuts and bread.

Second, less fat breakfast cereal

Women more inclined to choose breakfast foods with less fat, they prefer to eat cereals. From the nutritional point of view, this trend should be promoted. For example, coated with butter, jam and cheese buns, plus an egg breakfast containing fat than whole milk, fruit and cereal breakfast food tip height of about seven times the amount of fat.

Third, the breakfast should be "kill three birds"

A good breakfast meal should include the three things: cereals (such as whole wheat bread, nuts, bread, brown rice porridge, etc.), fruits and dairy products, it is best to drink milk with less fat. Who eats this for breakfast, will come to kill three birds; rich in carbohydrates, low fat, rich in vitamins and minerals.

Fourth, make up the vitamin, folic acid and iron

25 to 40 year-old female, breakfast should be at least 50% meet their daily needs of vitamins and folic acid, vitamin C and iron in particular demand. Today, most women do not have adequate dietary intake of iron and folic acid. If possible, have lunch and dinner from the supplement. Meat, offal, millet, fennel, etc. can meet the daily required 10 to 18 mg of iron needs. Vitamin B can be obtained from lean meat, fish, liver, whole wheat bread, potatoes, peanuts and other intake.

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